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ɪ means a short "i" as in ship, it, hill, sit
iː means a long "ee" as in sheep, eat, he'll, seat
Click here for more about Ship and Sheep.
Words with an iː sound
please, be, me, he's, deep, feet, see, seat, freeze, grease, technique, antique
(Extra-long iː words:) bee, free, key, lean, mean, meaning, need, sea, tree
iː or ɪə - which is it?
The Oxford Learner's Dictionary says these words have an IPA iː sound.
However, it it's certainly very close to the ɪə sound:
eel, real, reveal, meal, feel, heel, deal, kneel, appeal, wheel
Listen to words with an iː sound:
Compare ɪ and iː
ship, sheep
bit, beat
it, eat
his, he's
hill, he'll
dip, deep
rid, read
list, least
sit, seat
sitting, seating
hitting, heating
recipe, receipt